兴趣爱好So the difference between PM and SM is that Portfolio mode looks at how the entire portfolio of positions would perform together with changing market conditions. Please note that in PM mode, margin requirements of your positions would be affected by more parameters than simple price movement. Whichever of these scenarios would inflict the largest loss to your portfolio, this loss amount is then used to calculate your margin requirements. For a more detailed explanation, please refer to the following article:portfolio margin We rank top in the quantity of crypto listed among the first-tier exchanges. Please note that virtual currency is a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value, but it does not have legal tender status. Virtual currencies are sometimes exchanged for U.S. dollars or other currencies around the world, but they are not currently backed nor supported by any government or central bank. Their value is completely derived by market forces of supply and demand, and they are more volatile than traditional fiat currencies. Profits and losses related to this volatility are amplified in margined futures contracts.