HuiFa Family

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HuiFa Family nexmosampsan 个人资料

nexmosampsan(UID: 404561)

  • 邮箱状态未验证
  • 视频认证未认证
  • 性别保密
  • 生日-
  • 个人主页
  • 兴趣爱好The Dogecoin community cares about supporting each other, being kind, teaching people about cryptocurrency, fundraising, having fun, making memes, and being absurd. This is nicely captured by Dogecoin’s unofficial tagline: Do Only Good Everyday. Get involved in our awesome community via the below links: Dogecoin was created as a parody of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer as the worlds first “meme coin.” DOGE’s developers had walked away from the project but returned when the token suddenly became a legitimate investment after making crypto headlines with endorsements from Elon Musk. DOGE operates on its own blockchain but can interact with other chains through the REN project. Now many hold and trade DOGE’s often massive fluctuations as a part of their crypto strategy.


  • 注册时间2023-11-24 03:41
  • 最后访问2023-11-24 03:41
  • 上次活动时间2023-11-24 03:41
  • 所在时区使用系统默认


  • 已用空间 0 B
  • 积分2
  • 威望0
  • 金钱2
  • 贡献0

Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|HuiFa BBS ( 鲁ICP备09079540号 )

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